All entries of my technical and business blog

Run PHP Local Server Like live-server

Nov 19, 2023 macos php scripting

I’m a huge fan of the live-server package for running local HTML servers to test my HTML and Javascript code. What about if you want to run a local PHP server quickly to test something? That’s easy. But I tend to forget the exact command - so I came up with a ZSH-based solution.

CSS Only Display Element After Click

Nov 9, 2023 css html

Whenever I can use plain CSS instead of Javascript to solve a user interface or experience problem, a thousand angels rejoice. Well that, and usually the result is a lot less bytes sent for a faster page load. With this in mind, I had a problem a while ago that I solved using CSS only: showing a form only when a link was clicked to display it. Let’s see how.

Explain WTF

Nov 9, 2023 archived-projects

A couple years ago I was working with a group of great hearted well meaning people who just didn’t know anything about tech. So I decided to create a website where I explained terms to them - but in my typical manner. That was

Job Trader Website Idea

Nov 8, 2023 ideas

What if you could trade your job with someone else - who wanted your job - and you wanted theirs? Would this be that hard to do? Here’s my idea.

Obsidian Always Show Markdown Header Level

Jul 25, 2023 css misc-web

I love Obsidian for note taking. But one thing bothers me with its live preview mode: I want to see my heading level, without seeing any other markdown directly. If you’re not using a theme that does this, you can do it with CSS snippets. Let me show you how:

How Do I Find a Programmer?

Jul 17, 2023 business

So you have a great idea. You have some budget. It’s now time to make your vision into a reality. The problem is - you don’t know any programmers. You don’t even know where you’d find one. What can you do?

The answer is so simple… you’re going to kick yourself. Let me explain:

Should We Use a Monorepo?

Jul 1, 2023 programming

A monorepo refers to a single repository in your version control system that holds all of the code for an entire project. That project could be made up of many services, front and back end code, ETLs, etc.

There are many technical arguments for using a monorepo vs a bunch of smaller repos that are more targeted to that functionality. But, one argument is often left out of the discussion.