All entries of my technical and business blog

Javascript and CSS Compression and Cache

Feb 25, 2010 css javascript misc-web

I’ve been researching caching and compression techniques for my external resources for some time. My first design of JEMDiary was very greedy with HTTP connections. Couple that with having a less-than-perfect host (Dreamhost bleh…), users could feel the burn. I didn’t like it because it would even take ME forever to use my own website. I went on to discover many different key points I use when creating sites now - the Steps to Optimize Assets.

How about profiling your mysql queries... later?

Feb 19, 2010 mysql

So the other night I was thinking about using xdebug on my PHP code. I then totally had a brain explosion: I’m always forgetting to profile my MySQL queries. explain is a great command for this. However, as the lazy programmer I am, I don’t know if I’m always going to do this on all of my queries. In an attempt to save myself time, I started brainstorming an idea.

Milwaukee PHP Users Group

Feb 9, 2010 business

I started the Milwaukee PHP Users group a few weeks ago. Unfortunately, today we had to cancel a meeting because of the outpouring of snow… but it’s on for the 4th tuesday of the month.

XFN - XHTML Friends Network

Feb 5, 2010 html

While I continue to look at the semantic web, I can’t help but scratch my head and say “why” about some of these technologies. I feel like its still sadly lacking… with that, let me introduce…

hCard - Should I Care?

Jan 23, 2010 misc-web

So lately, I’ve been looking into the semantic tools available on the web. I want to make sure that my online identity is easily searchable and undeniably accurate. Using semantic tools such as XFN, FOAF and hCard may help me.

document.URL vs document.location.href

Dec 18, 2009 javascript

When reviewing some javascript security ideas, I came across the document.URL property. Turns out that my normal way of retrieving the location (document.location.href) is both a getter and a setter. The document.URL is just a getter.