All entries of my technical and business blog

Make Face-to-Face Work

Oct 26, 2020 business management

This is part of a series of articles from the retired The Dev Manager website.

It’s amazing what the internet can bring us, both positive and negative. Sadly, some of the worst people hang out on the internet. They bully, they rage, they say and do horrible things.

The End of QuickPic was a site for quick edits, crops and touch-ups in your browser. After a year of stagnation, I think its time to move on - and share what I’ve learned.

Homekit Notify If Door Open Too Long

Oct 12, 2020 iot

I’ve finally come up with a couple of solutions to get a notification if a door has been open too long in my house. In Homekit, the automations are extended with Shortcuts, and that’s what we’ll use.

Website Up Web Scenario Template for Zabbix

Oct 10, 2020 zabbix

I was pretty excited that Zabbix 5.0 LTS came out, so I decided to redo my whole install. One of the main reasons I use Zabbix is to monitor website homepage up or down status. This time, I decided to make a template. Below I’ll detail how and what I did so you can make your own template for your own websites.

Developer Time vs Manager Time

Oct 5, 2020 business management

A full calendar, hours on the phone, work into the night and a never-ending deluge of emails: the typical Dev Manager’s life. Time is precious and scarce. It’s also very fluid. You’re jumping from thing to thing; meetings get pushed and calls are rushed. It’s not ideal, but it seems to be the only way you can get to all of the things that need your attention.

Run Plan 9 in VMWare Fusion (on Mac)

Sep 26, 2020 macos

If you’re not familiar with Plan 9 from Bell Labs, its about time you did. Plan 9 is one of the first GUI operating systems, the precursor to most of the experiences that we now take for granted. I knew a bit about it, but I wanted to actually use it. And, not having a computer laying around from the 1980s anymore, the next best thing was a virtual machine.