Using Github Actions & Pages to Publish Static Pages Based on Dynamic Data

Oct 2, 2021 github html javascript
This post is more than 18 months old. Since technology changes too rapidly, this content may be out of date (but that's not always the case). Please remember to verify any technical or programming information with the current release.

This article will break down how I use Github Actions and Github Pages to retrieve data from an API, commit the new data to my repo, and have Github pages rebuild and use that data - all on a schedule with no hands-on interaction.

Here’s how it works if you don’t want to follow along and can figure it out based on the idea:

  • Create an html page that retrieves a local json file and parses/puts that data into the body using javascript
  • Create a github action that retrieves api data, then overwrites the target json file, and does a commit of that new data
  • Configure github pages to publish from the root of this repository and branch
  • Schedule the github action to run using the cron-based scheduling declaration

You can find the finished code at this repository.

First Steps

For this example, I want to create a page that displays the daily Silver Spot Price based on the API. The beauty of this approach is that you could even use a private key with an API because Github actions store environment variables and secrets securely.

First, I’ll create a very simple HTML file with some Javascript.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
  <title>Silver Spot Price</title>
    body {
      // style you want here
  <h1>Silver Spot Price</h1>
  <h2>as of <time>loading...</time> local time</h2>
    fetch('data.json').then(res => res.json()).then(rows => {
      const data = {};
      rows.forEach(row => {
        const key = Object.keys(row)[0];
        data[key] = row[key];
      return data;
    }).then(results => {
      const lastUpdated = new Date(results.timestamp);
      const updatedSpot = parseFloat(results.silver).toFixed(2);
      document.querySelector('time').innerText = lastUpdated.toLocaleDateString() 
        + ' ' + lastUpdated.toLocaleTimeString();
      document.querySelector('data').innerText = updatedSpot;

First, we’re just creating an HTML document with a few elements that we’ll target later. They load with a loading... text input which will be removed later.

Then, after the dom is present, there’s a script block which will retrieve our local data.json file, parse it from JSON, and then map it from the API’s output to something I want to deal with: a single object with prices/values. We’re basically parsing from something like… [{"gold":"1759.57"},.....,{"timestamp":1633121998666}] to something like {gold:"1759.57", timestamp: 1633121998666}. The API we’re using returns more than just the silver price.

When that is done being processed, we’ll process the timestamp into a locale-based date string and parse the float value of the spot price to a USD style format number. Those values will be inserted using the innerText property (better to use this than innerHTML - this way I don’t need to deal with HTML entities).

Now that we have this working, it’s time to look at the Github Action

The Github Action

I’ve created a file called .github/workflows/updates.yml which contains the following:

name: Price Retrieval

    - cron: '0 6 * * *'
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

    - uses: actions/checkout@v2

    - name: Fetch data
      id: myRequest
      uses: fjogeleit/http-request-action@master
        url: ''
        method: 'GET'
    - name: Update data file
      run: echo '${{ steps.myRequest.outputs.response }}' > data.json

    - name: Commit changed file
      uses: EndBug/add-and-commit@v7
        add: 'data.json'
        message: 'Updated spot price data.json file'

First, I give it a name so I can recognize it in my Github Actions.

Then, I schedule it with Cron to happen every day at 6a GMT. This is roughly around midnight in my own timezone - give or take an hour based on daylight savings time.

Then, it runs a job named update. This will get a runner based on ubuntu-latest, and check out the code. Then, it uses an action from fjogeleit/http-request-action that I’ve configured to download the data from the API and store it into a variable named myRequest. Then, it will echo that request response to my data.json file in the local context of this checkout. Finally, it uses the EndBug/add-and-commit@v7 action to commit the updated file and push it back to the repo.

Github Pages

Github pages is configured on this repository to build from the main branch. It will build every time there’s a commit. This is useful because it will update itself every time I make a change to my HTML/JS - or - when the workflow makes a change to the data file.

Because of this, the workflow will retrieve the updated json, write it to the new file, commit it, and that’ll trigger a Github page build.

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