Use Anonymous Classes to Test Traits

May 11, 2017 php phpunit testing
This post is more than 18 months old. Since technology changes too rapidly, this content may be out of date (but that's not always the case). Please remember to verify any technical or programming information with the current release.

I’m guilty of creating stub-like classes in my tests to unit test traits, sometimes. So, you end up with a special class inside your unit test file, perhaps at the bottom, that is empty but only extends the trait or something like that. This is not a good idea, but it was my only way that I could figure out how to unit-test traits separately - especially if they were made of protected methods.

But there is a better way: use anonymous classes to test your trait.

Let’s look at an example. Here we’ll look at our trait. Our trait basically just filters a string to lowercase.

namespace App\Traits;

trait FilterToLCTrait
  public function filterStringToLC($string)
    return strtolower($string);

And now, let’s take a look at one of our tests in our test case.

$class = new class { use FilterToLCTrait; };
$this->assertEquals('abc', $class->filterStringToLC('AbC'));

This way we can test our trait without having to make our stub class somewhere in this file.

The only trouble you might have is if your trait has a protected method. I tend to just create a ‘proxy’ method to enable that. (You could use reflection to make it public for your test, I’m sure, too. There are many ways to solve a single problem.)

Let’s imagine now that the signature for the method has changed from public to protected - and we still want to test this smaller unit.

$class = new class { 
  use FilterToLCTrait; 
  public function proxyFilterStringToLC()
    return call_user_func_array([$this, 'filterStringToLC'], func_get_args());
$this->assertEquals('abc', $class->proxyFilterStringToLC('AbC'));

Here, we just proxy the call to our protected method, passing in whatever would be incoming functions to the new method. I wrote it with func_get_args and call_user_func_array because I don’t want to have to edit all of these internal implementations if I change my function’s signature or parameter list.

There are arguments that you should never be unit testing something like a trait with a protected method. Instead, you should only be testing the class that implement that trait. I think that’s fine, for the most part, but sometimes your trait is pretty complex. And then, you’d have to test each scenario individually on each class - if you were following that line of logic.

Instead, I tend to test the trait like this with all the ways I can think of - then when it comes to my implementing class, I can focus on testing it’s own interior logic, knowing that I only need to have one successful path through the trait to verify it is in-fact implemented. I think this is “not the right way” - but sometimes solutions outside of the ‘way the book says to do it’ make more sense in real life, at least to me.

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