Sync BitBucket and GitHub
At my current job, we keep both a private copy of the code in BitBucket (where all of our code resides), and make a few repos public on GitHub. (Wish I didn’t have to do that, but really, GitHub is the premier place to get your code it seems these days.) So, I decided to come up with a solution to keep both repos up to date as I do my development.
First, I did not want to trust this to an online service. Next, I wanted to make BitBucket my authoritative repo - so I want to work there, and sync to GitHub. Finally, I wasn’t a huge fan of using post-commit hooks or anything like that.
Turns out, since my workflow is almost 100% from the same laptop, a simple edit to my .git/config
file is all it takes.
Did you know about the config option pushURL? Now you will!
I’ve decided to do this to keep my copies in sync: Add a pushURL for both BitBucket and GitHub. Here is the before version:
[remote "origin"]
url = [email protected]:account/wordpress-plugin.git
and now add a pushURL for both your repos. Here is the after version:
[remote "origin"]
url = [email protected]:account/wordpress-plugin.git
pushURL = [email protected]:account/wordpress-plugin.git
pushURL = [email protected]:account/wordpress-plugin.git
And there you have it - when you do a git push - now you should see it go to both repos. This solution may not be the best for your workflow, but it certainly has saved me a lot of time.