Making the most of the toString method in Javascript

Feb 6, 2016 javascript
This post is more than 18 months old. Since technology changes too rapidly, this content may be out of date (but that's not always the case). Please remember to verify any technical or programming information with the current release.

Javascript objects have a built-in function called toString() which pretty much does what you think it does - it renders a string representation of that object.

For the most part, this is left unused by a lot of javascript libraries I’ve seen. You might notice if you’re using old school alert() instead of console.log() that you see output similar to [object Object] a lot. And, that’s by design. But, like many other functions in javascript, you can use the prototype property to override the default method.

Take, for example, this code:

function Person(name, gender) { = name;
  this.gender = gender;
Person.prototype.toString = function personToString() {

var p = new Person("Aaron", "M");

When executed, this will alert a string of “Aaron” - as that is what the toString overridden method is doing.

So let’s make it more useful

Let’s add some logic in this function. We’re going to make a person function that has a first + last name, and a gender. When we use it, we want to have the full name plus a prefix of Mr or Ms.

function Person(firstName, lastName, gender) {
  this.firstName = firstName;
  this.lastName = lastName;
  this.gender = gender;

Person.prototype.toString = function personToString() {
  var fullName = "";
  switch (this.gender) {
    case "M":
      fullName += "Mr ";
    case "F":
      fullName += "Ms. ";
  fullName += this.firstName + " " + this.lastName;
  return fullName;

var hero = new Person("Wonder", "Woman", "F");
document.querySelector('#name').innerHTML = hero;

In this case, we’re capturing the information and then creating a logic-injected toString() method. When this particular code is ran, an element with the ID of name gets populated with Ms. Wonder Woman - hooray!

Take it easy there…

I’ll admit it - I actually had an urge to take this further. What if I used an underscore template inside of the toString method? I could create templates on my objects and then just pass them directly to the HTML. Everything would be glorious!

But, on further reflection, I would advise against this. I think the method is great for doing some simple data manipulation and combination (or filtering), but it should not be used to inject any HTML into the dom via a string rendering of itself.

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