Scanning for Unfiltered Content Automatically with PHP
A friend of mine posed a question: Do you know of any good PHP based vulnerability scanners? I told him I did not (add any in the comments, if you know! :) ) - but it wouldn’t be that hard to build one. He asked me to give him a code example, so here goes:
The Goals
I have only 2 goals to accomplish with this quick script:
Should handle multiple forms on a web page
Should be able to submit a payload and automatically review if it is shown unfiltered.
Since this is just a quick script, we do know a few things however:
It will not handle javascript based forms that set the action to something different.
It doesn’t specifically help identify which form field is the vulnerable one.
But with that, its not that bad.
The example website we’re reviewing
I have two really simple pages for our test site, the form itself and the ’login’ page.
<title>Test Login Form, yo</title>
<h1>Oh HAI!</h1>
<p>Login or no?</p>
<form action="http://localhost/testsubmit.php" method="post" name="login">
Username: <input type="text" name="username"></input><br></br>
Password: <input type="password" name="password"></input><br></br>
<input type="submit"></input>
if ($_POST['username'] == 'MYUSER' && $_POST['password'] == 'MYPASS') {
print 'you have logged in';
else {
print "{$_POST['username']} did not authenticate correctly.";
As you can see, if the login credentials are not correct, it prints the unfiltered username onto the screen. Obviously, this is a very simple example.
The PHP Script
The comments should help the interpretation of this script, so I won’t ramble…
/** set target, payload **/
$target = 'http://localhost/testform.html';
$payload = '<script>alert("word!");</script>';
/** get content, create dom document with it **/
$targetContent = file_get_contents($target);
$doc = new DomDocument();
/** get all the forms, iterate through each **/
$forms = $doc->getElementsByTagName('form');
foreach ($forms as $form) {
$submitInputs = array();
$submitTo = $form->getAttribute('action')
? $form->getAttribute('action')
: $target;
$submitMethod = $form->getAttribute('method')
? $form->getAttribute('method')
: 'GET';
/** get all inputs so we can set the values **/
$tagsToParse = array('input', 'textarea');
foreach ($tagsToParse as $tag) {
$retrieved = $form->getElementsByTagName($tag);
foreach ($retrieved as $item) {
/** get the value - we want to retain whats in there just in case... **/
$value = $item->getAttribute('value') ? $item->getAttribute('value') : '';
$value .= $payload;
$submitInputs[$item->getAttribute('name')] = $value;
print '<h2>Submitting payload to form: ' . $form->getAttribute('name') . '</h2>';
/** got our content, prepare for submission, get submitted content **/
$opts = array(
'header'=>'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
$context = stream_context_create($opts);
$submittedFormContents = file_get_contents($submitTo, false, $context);
/** find the payload ? **/
$count = substr_count($submittedFormContents, $payload);
print "Times payload found: {$count}<br></br>";
As you can see, still very simple, but it lays the groundwork. Combine this with my link checking code and you could make a pretty decent start on a PHP vulnerability scanner.