The Observer Pattern in PHP: Refactored

Nov 22, 2008 php
This post is more than 18 months old. Since technology changes too rapidly, this content may be out of date (but that's not always the case). Please remember to verify any technical or programming information with the current release.

You may remember the article I wrote about the observer pattern in php - but it lacked some of PHP’s advanced features.

In this next example, I’m not going to explain the logic as much - read the original post for more - but I did comment it pretty thoroughly. Here are the things that I added, however:

  • Type hinting in functions

  • Abstract classes

  • Interfaces

  • A registry of observers

So, here is the code:

 * twitter transport from "library" - on successful tweet will print it out
class twitterTransport
  public function __construct()
  { /** logic here **/ }
  public function tweet(twitterMessage $object)
  { /** logic here **/  print $object->message . ' was just tweeted'; }

 * url shortener from "library" - just replaces [url] with [u] in a string
class urlShortener
  public function shorten($message)
    return str_replace('[url]', '[u]', (string) $message);

 * twitter message class - very simple - 
 * just holds the message inside itself as a string
class twitterMessage
  public $message = '';

  public function __construct($message)
    $this->message = (string) $message;

 * Observer for shortening URLs
 * This class gets envoked when there is a PREPOST action, and invokes
 * the urlShortener::shorten() against it
 * @see iObserver
class urlShortenerObserver implements iObserver
   * Tells the type of observing this will do
   * @return string
  public static function getType()
    return 'PREPOST';

   * The notification method - is called when a PREPOST is done. shortens url
   * @param twitterMessage $object
  public function notify($object)
    $urlShortener = new urlShortener();
    $object->message = $urlShortener->shorten($object->message);

 * The twitter message sender, is observable, sends a message with the postMessage
 * function
 * @see observable
class twitterTransportObservable extends observable
   * post a message to twitter, notifying any observers
   * @param twitterMessage $object
   * @see twitterTransport
  public function postMessage(twitterMessage $object)
    $this->_notify('PREPOST', $object);

    $sender = new twitterTransport();

    $this->_notify('POSTED', $sender);

 * abstract observable class - extended for all observable items, contains the array
 * of observers, the register and the notify commands
abstract class observable
   * @var array the observer classes
  protected $_observers = array();

   * used for registering observers, or adding them to the array
   * Keep in mind, this adds them in the same order as they're added to
   * the array, so that may affect the final outcome
   * @param string $type The type of observer, hook name
   * @param object $observer The observer class
  public function registerObserver($type, iObserver $observer)
    if (empty($type)) {
      throw new exception("type was empty when registering " . get_class($observer));
    if (!isset($this->_observers[$type])) $this->_observers[$type] = array();
    $this->_observers[$type][] = $observer;

   * used to notify self of actions of a certain type, launches observers
   * @param string $type The Type of observer, the hook
   * @param object $object The observer object
  protected function _notify($type, $object)
    if (isset($this->_observers[$type])) {
      foreach ($this->_observers[$type] as $observer) {

 * interface for any observer classes
interface iObserver
  public function notify($object);
  public static function getType();

 * launching code

 * global observers is an array of items which are shared in all launching software
 * tells which observers are associated with with observable
$globalObservers = array('twitterTransportObservable'=>array('urlShortenerObserver'));

$tweeter = new twitterTransportObservable();

 * assign all observers from our globalObservers
if (isset($globalObservers['twitterTransportObservable'])) {
  foreach ($globalObservers['twitterTransportObservable'] as $observer) {
      call_user_func(array($observer, 'getType')), new $observer

$message = new twitterMessage("this is my message [url]");

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